For all the reasons to dismiss Savage Worlds as a system---and even though I'm a fan, I recognize the system isn't perfect---the initiative system would have been the LAST thing I'd have thought players would disagree on.

I've taught Savage Worlds to D&D 3.5, GURPS, and HeroQuest players, and all of them thought the initiative system for Savage Worlds was pretty cool.

Different strokes, and all that, I guess.

I say this because high action, modern setting + optional supernatural elements is pretty much Savage Worlds' absolute sweet spot. It's flat out AWESOME for this style of game.

But if Savage Worlds is really off the table----some flavor of BRP or a GURPS-ish offshoot called EABA are about the only things I can think of that come remotely close to meeting your criteria.

Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
